Do You Know Why Your Mobile Internet is so Slow?

 When schools, including offices, closed last year due to a lockdown, the school administration announced that classes would now be online to continue the children's education process. Just what happened, like a crisis at home. All gadgets i.e. Mobile phones, laptops and tablets were snatched from adults and temporary classrooms began.  But the beginning of the problem was that the biggest problem became the interrupted supply of the Internet. It was just the beginning of the children's class that the internet sat down. Neither the Internet service was properly available on mobile phones nor the cloud appropriate signals were coming on the device

Often the Internet would stop working, affecting children's classes. Sometimes the Internet would be closed at a time when attendance was taking place and teachers would have absent children due to Internet problems or children would not attend classes I had to hear the scolding

Due to the poor performance of the internet, children would not even hear the voice of the teacher properly.


When I asked a friend working in a mobile phone company about this problem, i got the answer that  the use of mobile and cloud base internet had suddenly increased in the country. The problem is that spectrum is available to provide internet on mobile phones do not have.

"Dude, where did this spectrum come from now?" I asked anxiously.

The friend replied patiently that 'the spectrum is an invisible radio frequency that is allocated to every mobile phone company. This is where the signals of mobile phones circulate. You know that because of these signals we Make calls from your mobile phone. The frequencies we call are a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum

"Now the electromagnetic spectrum has different bands and each band has different vivaciousness. Mobile phone signals reach us by traveling on the same wave length or broadcast waves, whether they are voice calls or the Internet"

The problem is that new spectrum has not been provided to mobile phone companies in Pakistan since 2017. On the other hand, the number of mobile phone and cloud internet users has increased a lot. This has led mobile phone companies to lack broadcast waves Facing, also called lack of spectrum

"In Pakistan, the growing pressure on the mobile phone spectrum can only be gauged from data transmitted over the spectrum. Spectrum data, which was 1207 petabytes in 2018, has increased to 4498 beta bytes in 2020. Thus the data transmitted over the spectrum I have a significant increase of 272%. Due to this conscious increase in data, traffic on Spectrum Highway is jammed. Due to lack of spectrum, Pakistan stands at number 111 in 140 countries in terms of internet speed on mobile phones

We turned off the phone saying I needed a standard internet service, and you're behind the spectrum. But just a few days ago, the government released a draft policy stating that the spread of the Corona epidemic has seen a huge increase in Internet use. The most mobile internet has been used in the meantime The need to improve the spectrum has been felt.


In this article, we will try to review the current state of the spectrum available for mobile phones in Pakistan, the sale of new spectrum by the government and policy objections by the mobile phone industry.

Given Pakistan's poor ranking in the recently released Comprehensive Internet Index of the Economic Intelligence Unit, the telecom industry has sought immediate policy intervention. Currently one-third of the spectrum in the country is in use. The index shows that Pakistan's overall rating 90, up from 89 in 2020 and 77 in 2019. It is noteworthy that the main reason for the low rating is the lack of spectrum allocated to cellular mobile service providers

GSMA, a representative organization of the mobile phone industry around the world, also included Pakistan in the 2020 report as one of the countries that did not provide adequate spectrum to the telecom industry on demand. Nepal and Pakistan in the South Asian region, according to the report There are 2 countries where the lowest spectrum for mobile phone services has been provided

The GSMA report has 4 key dimensions in any country's ranking. This includes availability, cheap service, competition and preparation


Pakistan's 35 million population and 50% of the area is deprived of telecom facilities, and where these facilities are available, the situation is very bad. The difference in digital distribution or Internet availability in the country's population is huge. If it is correct If left unmanaged, socio-economic divisions will increase and urgent decisions and measures will be needed at the policy level

The GSMA report said that if the spectrum in Pakistan was provided to mobile phone companies, it would help the telecom industry flourish and increase government tax revenue as the use of broadband internet in the country increases.  May increase

A draft policy submitted by the Ministry of Information Technology has been approved by the Cabinet. The policy has ridiculed the sale of 'Next Generation Spectrum' for mobile phone services. The government has informed Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) And the policy has been approved on the recommendations of the Frequency Allocation Board.

The Government of the Telecommunication Act wants to auction of 1800 megawatts and 2100 megawatts bands under 1996. In this context, the PTA has been directed to auction of the spectrum of 15 megawatts in the 1800 megawatts of 12.8 Mega Hades and 2100 megawatts band. In this context, the PTA has to issue an information memo that has not yet been released.


The PTA has taken approval from the cabinet's spectrum policy to the policy, but the objections are visible by telecom companies.

Mobile phone companies say government, Ministry of Information and Technology and PTA that telecom companies will only provide the spectrum at the lower cost at the start of the spectrum, instead of receiving the spectrum of the spectrum only and its gradual use The government took partors in Revenue.

On the issue of spectrum,  four mobile phone companies shared their opinion. A company said that until the government does not announce the sale of spectrum sales, they would not want to present their motive. The remaining is the one who is saying Jazz chief executive Amir Ibrahim.


Amir Ibrahim says that the use of Internet has increased very much due to Corona virus. Internet and smartphones are now needed instead of luxurious goods. People's daily life and business depend on their devices and services. The role of the telecom sector has increased in the Pakistani economy like around the world, if it is not developed, Pakistan will be behind the world in economic development and will not be able to step by step in the world.

At last I’ll conclude my discussion by stating that If the Internet speed is not improved in the country, the freelancer working in the country will also face difficulties. Therefore, the government should establish a committee of experts rather than the consultant report regarding the sale of spectrum, including the regulatory authority with the industry and public representation, then this committee is such a method of payment with auction. In which companies can also share the government in the revenue generated by the use of spectrum. On doing so, companies will not have to invest on the spectrum, and companies will be able to promote the telecom industry in the country by getting more spectrum.


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